Receive continuous support to achieve measurable results every school year by aligning your most important initiatives to the Leader in Me Framework.
Below are a few of the measurable results schools can achieve by applying The 4 Disciplines of Execution® (4DX®) with a certified FranklinCovey Coach during annual planning sessions.
A great plan achieves great results when individuals have the knowledge and skills to bring it to life. Coaches connect with teachers, staff, and administrators as they help develop deeper understanding about Leader in Me principles, equip them with the tools to put the learning into practice, and allow everyone time to celebrate results in a cycle of continuous learning and improvement.
7 Habits of Highly Effective People®: Signature Edition 4.0 is the world’s premier personal leadership-development solution that aligns timeless principles of effectiveness with educators—both personally and professionally. Regional 7 Habits training is a transformative way to help schools within a community assist new staff members in learning the fundamental principles and paradigms of a Leader in Me School. Coaches deliver this workshop each year to schools (within the same district, in the area, etc.).
The challenges facing principals have never been greater. In addition to being instructional leaders and effective building managers, principals must keep up with rapidly changing technology, academic standards, and demographic demands on schools. But effective leadership is possible. The Principals Community provides resources, support, connections, and learning opportunities necessary to empower Leader in Me principals and the students they lead to excel in academics and beyond.
Lighthouse Coordinators play an important role in achieving schoolwide goals and successfully implementing Leader in Me principles in a learning environment. Lighthouse Coordinators lead implementation plans and work closely with a Leader in Me Coach to craft an effective strategy to ensure student success. Lighthouse Coordinator Development provides participants with ongoing support necessary to develop skills in this essential role with new insights and principles guided by the transformative power of Leader in Me.
Coaching Sessions give schools a list of solutions that address common challenges.The map below outlines two coaching types:
1.) Core Coaching Sessions: Included with implementation and integrates key outcomes from the Leader in Me Framework.
2.) Targeted Coaching Sessions: Optional coaching with topics tailor Leader in Me a school’s current initiatives and top priorities.
Included with implementation
Establish the foundational structures necessary to get a school’s desired results from the Leader in Me.
Included with implementation
Ensure the Lighthouse and Action Teams know their purpose and equip them with tools, templates, and skills necessary to ensure the successful implementation of Leader in Me.
Included with implementation
Gain a deeper understanding of The 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX), maximize results of student academic Wildly Important Goals (WIGs), and align student WIGs to school WIG(s).
Included with implementation
Equip teachers to set class growth Wildly Important Goals (WIGs) and Lead Measures and be able to scoreboard, analyze, and celebrate growth.
Included with implementation
Help teachers and grade level/departments apply 4DX within their profession to help close proficiency gaps and achieve schoolwide goals.
Included with implementation
Focus on instruction that builds learner-centered classrooms and equips teachers to help students lead their own learning.
Optional during implementation
Learn how Leader in Me can be the “operating system” that connects current initiatives and mandates in your school.
Optional during implementation
Equip teachers to help students see themselves as leaders and appreciate differences through the power of the Core Paradigms.
Optional during implementation
Help prepare teachers to create or refine collaborative, trusting classroom cultures that last all year long.
Optional during implementation
Provide a deep understanding of the Lighthouse Review Day process, identify key areas of continued preparation using the Lighthouse Rubric, and develop action plans geared toward a successful LIghthouse Review Day outcome.
Optional during implementation
Empower Professional Learning Teams (PLTs) to continually improve by engaging with the Learning Cycle and aligning to the principles of collaboration and reflection.
Optional during implementation
Help grade level/department teams close their proficiency gap leading to schoolwide achievement.
Optional during implementation
Leverage the benefits of FranklinCovey’s The 4 Essential Roles of Leadership®. and Leading at the Speed of Trust® content to build the leadership potential of the Lighthouse Team.
Optional during implementation
Help teachers apply 4DX within their profession to help achieve class proficiency Wildly Important Goals (WIGs).
Optional during implementation
Move from solving problems by telling others what to do, to developing leadership in others using FranklinCovey’s The 4 Essential Roles of Leadership®.
Optional during implementation
Engage students in academic growth by connecting personal meaning to goal setting, tracking, reflecting, and growing.
Optional during implementation
Develop the skills needed to build a high trust team using FranklinCovey’s Leading at the Speed of Trust® content includes the 13 Behaviors of High Trust.
Optional during implementation
Help teachers develop the skills needed to build a high trust classroom using FranklinCovey’s Leading at the Speed of Trust® content includes the 13 Behaviors of High Trust.